Ssj2- Achieved through the user obtaining an even higher level of energy that can be triggered similarly to Ssj1. It is almost identical to ssj1, save that the hair has become more rigid and stands up even more due to the high energy.
Ssj3- In the form the user becomes mastered with their ki energy, and their power level increases about 30 percent from their normal form but the main change is the increase of resiliency and speed, opposed to raw strength. The hair is changed drastically and becomes longer and even more spiked than before. For some reason the eyebrows are not present, the bones around them are protruded.
Ssj4- This is a super saiyans 100 percent power form, it also cause they saiyan DNA to intensify, causing yellow fur to grow on the torso and arms. The hair is similar to Ssj3 but not as long. The users power is increased 100 percent from their normal form. Each kind of ki blast is increased 500 times its original power, excluding the spirit bomb, speed is almost instant, and resiliency is 7 percent greater than ssj3. The users tail also returns due to the intense saiyan DNA. However ssj4's power seems to last less time then others.

Primal Saiyan mode- Originally thought to be ssj4, its actually a result of the saiyan DNA and inner nature being intensified to the point were it causes a devolution. Unlike ssj4, it has no direct link to super saiyan, and can actually be achieved by any one with at least 1/8 saiyan blood. The fur around the arms and torso are actually red and the hair its natural color (or at-least close to it). This is how saiyans looked 50,000 years to their arrival on planet plant.

Psm2- The saiyans original planet, Saiya, was once an icy place caused by the always fluctuating climate, this over time caused the saiyans hair and fur to turn white. This is the second devolution of psm. The planet saiya eventually warmed and after about 30,000 years they began to look similarly to their original state. This can be achieved by increasing ones rage during psm1.
Original Saiyan mode- The saiyans were originally a very muscular and powerful, thus was result to the original great ape being dividing his life force into a species of well rigid humanoids. The apes name was saiya and his power was so intense the changes to these people were immense through almost 1,000,000 years of evolution they became the saiyans we now know (this is due to the influence of outside species similar to humans but its not known whom). However once this form is reached it cannot be undone. Its also good to note that the reason for the exsistance of super saiyans is the Legendary ape had the ability to increase its power which turned its fur yellow, he noted that all species have a super form.when he gave his power to the first peoples (whom he watched over due to their worship of him) this power was hidden within them and once it reaches a certain intensity his presence becomes more and more prevalent. So it could be said that its an extension of super saiyan, however one does not have to be a super saiyan, they just have to intensify their saiyan blood. This is how the saiyans looked about 5,000,000 years before their arrival on Vegeta. The muscle mass is tremendously doubled, the hair becomes very large, and the red fur consumes more of the body. It is also notable to mention that the possibility within primal saiyan mode their could be a super state but its not necessary.